With all the uncertainty in life, sometimes it can be a challenge for people to stay motivated and accept change. It’s important to keep ourselves moving forward in positive directions, no matter what happens in our lives. Since change is inevitable, one way to keep yourself moving forward is by using positive affirmations about change.

Fear and Anxiety about Changes in Your Life
Maybe you are struggling with fear, self-doubt and anxiety about a new change that is coming in your life. Perhaps you have to move, change jobs, end a relationship, help out more at home, or stand up for yourself. All of these situations can stir up emotions of fear and anxiety. Finding positive affirmations to help you deal with your fear of change is a great way to move forward in your life. With this collection of positive affirmations about change and overcoming obstacles you’ll be able to feel happier and more confident as you enter this new chapter in your life.
Here are two affirmations about change to help you overcome fear and have the courage to move forward. Find a quiet, cozy spot to read, write and reflect about change in your life.
Positive Affirmations about Change – I prepare for change.
Change can be scary and exciting. Planning ahead helps me to deal with transitions more effectively. I prepare for change.
Considering the reasons behind my actions and this new change, keeps my purpose in mind.
I focus on what I have to gain. Change usually brings losses and wins. Understanding that letting go of some pleasures in order to achieve things that are more valuable is important. I recognize the costs of staying stuck in a rut.
I set realistic goals. Perhaps you want to exercise more, improve your body image, or reduce your anxiety. My targets are challenging but within my reach. Gathering resources, I strengthen my capacity adding to my knowledge and skills. I maximize my chances for success.
I take care of my mental and physical health. An active lifestyle and adequate rest help me to remain patient and flexible under pressure.
I reach out for support. It is easier to navigate change when I have allies and partners on my side. I create opportunities to collaborate. For support, I ask my family and friends for assistance and encouragement.
I know that change is natural and inevitable. Focusing my energy on the things I can control is a positive change. I am confident that this change will be a positive experience.
Today, I take steps that make it easier for me to embrace change. I clarify my vision and build my courage. Staying up to date makes my life more meaningful and fulfilling.
Self-Reflection Questions:
What happens when I try to resist change?
Name at least one thing to be grateful for about an upcoming change.
Why is it important to be proactive?
Change excites me – Positive Affirmations about Change
I love the thrill of discovery. This change is at the right time in my life. Embracing change helps me to learn and grow. I increase my knowledge and skills. Testing my courage and abilities helps me to overcome challenges and adapt to new circumstances. I take one step at a time. Change excites me.

Accepting change reduces stress. I am ready to make positive change. Change is a natural part of life. Instead of wasting energy trying to resist it, I try to be proactive. I focus on what I have to gain.
I treat myself with kindness and compassion. Acknowledging my doubts while making choices help me to reach my goals. During uncertain times, I remember that I can control how I respond to external events. I determine my destiny.
I take practical steps each day to help me make positive changes in my personal and professional life. New and exciting opportunities are ahead of me.
I strengthen my relationships and expand my social circle. Expressing gratitude for all the family and friends that surround me is important. I look forward to what is possible for me with this new change.
I take on new roles and responsibilities at home or at work. Learning new skills benefit me. As I now begin a new phase in my life, I know that I am unstoppable! I am on this new path to achieving my goals.
Today, I regard change as a precious gift. Transitions broaden my experiences and help me to break out of old routines that may be holding me back. I enjoy new opportunities and adventures.
Self-Reflection Questions:
How can I remind myself to see change as positive?
Name one action step to help me to deal with losses and uncertainty.
What would my life be like without change?
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