Do you have a friend that is struggling right now? Or maybe they are experiencing lots of change in their lives – positive and negative? Why not try supporting them with this list of positive affirmations to send to friends?

Positive affirmations are short; positive “I am” statements that call you into an intentional way of being. They should be accompanied by a visual image in your mind and inspire visceral sensations. When you use an affirmation, you should experience yourself as you are declaring. Affirmations remind you of your most important strengths and help build your confidence in weaker areas.
Phrases and Statements of Positive Affirmations to Send to Friends
Read the short statements below and decide which will be helpful to send to your friends. Or perhaps you would like to recite the affirmations yourself.
My friends lift me up.
Staying connected makes me happier and healthier. I enjoy fun times. My friends remind me to laugh and play on a regular basis. I block out time in my calendar to socialize with my friends.
I engage in deep conversations. I discuss sensitive subjects and big ideas. Talking helps me to see situations from a different perspective and clarify my thinking. My friends are a blessing in my life. Every day I interact with positive people.
I deal with stress. I turn to my friends when I experience difficult times. They support me and I share the same support for them.
My friends and I stand by each other through difficult times. I rely on them for pep talks and practical assistance. I am a supportive and dependable friend.
I pursue my goals. I tell my friends about my dreams and ambitions. They help me to make concrete plans and stay on track. I feel more accountable and motivated when I have an audience rooting for me.
I learn about myself. My friends give me constructive feedback. They help me to understand my strengths and the areas where I need to grow. I can count on my friends to be loyal and honest.
I feel appreciated and secure. Knowing that my friends are on my side gives me confidence and hope.
Today, I let my friends know how much they mean to me. Their love and support help me to navigate difficult times and celebrate happy occasions. I cultivate our connections by communicating openly and giving generously.
Self-Reflection Questions to Include with the Positive Affirmations to Send to Friends:
If I were going to be stranded on a desert island with one friend, who would I choose?
How do I resolve conflicts with my friends?
What qualities do I look for in a close friend?
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