Have you ever had a day where you feel down? Or that your anxiety is getting the best of you? It’s easy to dismiss feelings like these as something that will go away quickly, but in reality they can be symptoms of larger issues. To accept your feelings is to understand that feelings are not good or bad — they just are. Your feelings are valid. This is a skill that takes practice, but can have a huge effect on how you live your life.

Understanding your feelings is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. But, for many people, their emotions are a difficult thing to comprehend. They feel like they’re out of control and that no one else understands how they feel. The truth is that it is hard to understand how someone else feels. And it’s human nature to have trouble empathizing with other people’s feelings. That’s where positive affirmations can help you validate your feelings.
You can download the MP3 audio of these affirmations to listen to on the go or anytime! Find out more information here.
Positive Affirmations – Your Feelings Are Valid
Find a quiet place to read and reflect with these positive affirmations.
I love and accept myself. My feelings are valid. I have every right to feel whatever emotion I want. I am not being dramatic. I am feeling and that is okay.
I stay calm. I distinguish between myself and what I am feeling. I give myself time to sort things out when I am overwhelmed. I am not overreacting; I am simply recognizing my feelings.
I am honest with myself. I examine my personal biases and blind spots. I acknowledge my intentions.
I put my feelings into words. I tell myself that it is okay to be sad or angry. I write in a journal or call a friend who I can count on for constructive feedback. Expressing my feelings helps me to understand them and put them in perspective.
I learn how to encourage and motivate myself. I enjoy praise from others, but it is more important that I approve of myself. My confidence is strong and stable.
I increase my self-awareness. When I have feelings that are conflicted or unexpected, I reflect on the reasons behind them. I make sound decisions. I listen to my head and my heart. I balance logic and emotion. I take responsibility for my behavior.
I give myself credit for making an effort. Each time I try to validate myself or others, I become more skillful. I focus on progress rather than perfection.
Today, I treat myself with kindness and understanding. I manage strong emotions by accepting them and making wise choices that help me to be happy and successful.
Self-Reflection Questions – Your Feelings Are Valid:
What is the difference between justifying my experiences and validating them?
How does anger affect my ability to make wise decisions?
How does validating other people’s feelings strengthen my relationships?
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