Who I am in Christ is a question that each Christian must answer. However, some affirmations can help us remember who we are in Christ. We are God’s child, chosen and dearly loved. We are forgiven, redeemed, and made new in Christ. These are just a few of the many things we can say about who we are in Christ.
Take some time to read through these affirmations and let them sink into your heart. Allow God to speak to you through them and remind you of who you are in Him. Read on for more Who I am In Christ Affirmations. You can download FREE printable reminder cards to tuck into your pocket at the bottom of this post.
I am a beloved child of God.
Whenever I feel ashamed or that I am not worthy, I remember who I am in Christ. Knowing that I am a beloved child of God who is valued and cherished brings me comfort and joy.
This powerful truth has helped me to break free from shame and depression, replacing it with loving affirmations of grace and acceptance. The more I accept who I am in Christ, the more freedom and genuine confidence I find in who He made me to be.
I am forgiven.
Who I am in Christ is a reminder of how much God loves and values us. His love and unending grace is what brings freedom, joy, and a sense of security as we journey through life.
Who I am in Christ tells us that the ultimate price has already been paid for our redemption. It tells us that we are unconditionally forgiven by God no matter what our past holds. When we fully accept this forgiveness, it radiates throughout our lives, and we can experience more peace and purpose than ever before. Who I am in Christ affirmations remind us every day that despite all else, We are FORGIVEN.
I am redeemed.
Who I am in Christ Affirmations remind us that even through the struggles of life, we are redeemed and made righteous with God. When we make these Affirmations part of our daily devotions and prayers, we allow them to foster a closer relationship with our Creator.
As quoted by Charles Spurgeon, “Faith is not based on feelings but on facts. And the facts are this; God both loves us deeply and desires to restore us – fully redeemed – into His loving arms.”
It is a truly beautiful thought that no matter what we have done in our past, nothing can separate us from God’s redemption and grace!

I am whole.
Christ’s affirmations can help to remind us of the truth that we are whole. Christ affirms us in our individual journeys, understanding that none of us are perfect and that we have both the capacity and potential to improve.
He gives us words to remember, no matter what our struggles or challenges might be; reminding us of His unconditional love. In times of darkness, Christ reminds us that even in our brokenness, we can still experience joy and transformation.
Christ also encourages us to keep growing and learning every day through our successes, mistakes and challenges, helping us to remember that although life can be challenging, we are still whole individuals with a purposeful mission here on Earth.
I am free.
Who am I in Christ? Who am I without the weight of the world on my shoulder? When we are free, it can be so liberating to simply recognize that we have been given the power of Choice – for choices create opportunities.
Who better to make decisions than ourselves? Who better than me to choose who I want to become?
Affirmations can help clear away any confusion and unhelpful thought processes. Who Am I in Christ – “I am chosen, loved and accepted by God; a child of the King!
No matter what happens in this life, I am deeply loved and forgiven by God”! Truly understanding this statement will help us realize our freedom and begin living with confidence and assurance.
I have everything I need in Christ.
With affirmations that affirm our faith, we can affirm how blessed we are to have everything we need in Christ. We know from Scripture that God’s plan for us is perfect and everlasting: it is a lasting reminder that everything, whatever our need or aspiration, is available in Jesus Christ.
Faithful affirmations open our hearts to receive and acknowledge the tremendous gif of all that God has provided. No matter the circumstance, pain, or angst, nothing compares to the assurance of having everything one needs when we put our trust in Him.
Thus, it is essential that we utilize affirmations in order to affirm the depth of what Christ already owns – which is in fact everything!
Jesus loves us unconditionally. We are forgiven, redeemed, and whole in his eyes. He came to free us from sin and death. In Christ, we have everything we need. As we walk forward in our lives, remember that Jesus is with us every step of the way- always ready to offer his love and grace.
From Reflect Affirm.com
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